

226 amino acids

Protein family membership

Homologous superfamilies

  1. Homologous superfamily
  2. Homologous superfamily
1 50 100 150 200 226

Domains and repeats

1 50 100 150 200 226

Detailed signature matches

    1. SSF52833 (Thioredox...)
    1. SSF47616 (GST C-ter...)
    1. SFLDS00019 (Glutath...)
    1. PF02798 (GST_N)
    2. PS50404 (GST_NTER)
    1. PS50405 (GST_CTER)
    1. PF00043 (GST_C)
Unintegrated signatures no IPR
Unintegrated signatures
  1. PTHR43900 (GLUTATHI...)
  2. SFLDG00358 (Main_(c...)

GO term prediction

Biological Process

GO:0006749 glutathione metabolic process

Molecular Function

GO:0005515 protein binding

Cellular Component

None predicted.

Generated with InterProScan 5.50-84.0