Nomenclature top > MpKAI2A

Nomenclature - Detail

Basic information

Gene symbolNote
MpKAI2AUntil ver.5.1r1 genome, MpKAI2a was assigned to Mp2g11710. As of ver5.1r2, Mp2g11710 was merged into Mp2g11720 based on the full-length transcript of Iso-seq and TSS inferred from CAGE. Therefore, MpKAI2a is tentatively assigned to both Mp2g11710 and Mp2g11720. It is recommended to use Mp2g11710 to refer to this gene as described in the paper (doi:10.1093/plcell/koab106). In the future version, Mp2g11720 will be removed and Mp2g11710 will be revived.
Status / submitted
Published / 2021-06-21

Biological information

Gene full nameProduct
KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE 2aputative karrikin receptor, hormone-related protein, strigolactones-related
Gene synonymKeyword
Mp2g11710; Mp2g11720


Bowman, Kohchi, Yamato, et al., Cell 171(2):287-304.e15; Mizuno et al. The Plant Cell 33(7):2395-2411 (2021).
PubMed IDDOIDDBJ/ENA/GenBank accession number
28985561; 33839776 doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.09.030; doi:10.1093/plcell/koab106 -

